Updated Articles

  1. Conversion: Student to Staff Merges New

    In order to use the Student Locator tool, you must have been granted access.  Please review the article State Student Locator | NC Department of Public Instruction  if you do not have access to the Student Locator Tool. The UID Reconciliation: S...
  2. State Student Locator

    Please use the information below to request access and, after approval, use the state student locator tool. This statewide collection of tools can be used as a student locator to determine a student's most recent enrollment and the source system (...
  3. Graduation

  4. Graduation Program Assignment

    Students must have a graduation program assigned to determine academic progress towards graduation requirements.  This must be completed before a transcript is accurate. At this time, this is a manual process.  Follow the steps below to bat...
  5. Scheduling Workflow

    Use the information below as a workflow for scheduling in the upcoming year. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Part 1 Task Completed NC Course Codes Available in December -  2025-2026 ...
  6. PMR Validation Review

    PMR Validation Review The Principal’s Monthly Report contains a series of reports that are calculated during each reporting interval and at the end of the school year. It includes the Average Daily Attendance ( ADA ), Average Daily Membership ( A...
  7. Student End Enrollment Checklist

    Verify Information | Print Reports | End Enrollment Verify Information Task  Completed 1. Attendance: Verify all attendance entries (including suspensions)...
  8. NC No Show Process

    This article will assist users in using No Show process. A student is considered a No Show when they are marked absent for more than half of the instructional day on their scheduled 1st day of enrollment during a current school year.  1st 1...
  9. Course Master Information

    Course Masters define district level elements keeping course information consistent across the district. It is important to note that the course master can be copied from the NC Course Catalog and certain fields can be updated for local needs. Se...
  10. Summer Scheduling Checklist

    Below is a checklist to use during the summer to help get the master schedule and student schedules ready for school to begin. Task  Completed Update schedule section placements as needed. Sections | In...