Helpful Reports and Processes

Review a quick collection of helpful reports and processes below. 

Attendance Reports and Processes

Attendance Reports





Print an Attendance Roster for a Substitute

To print a blank report with a single day.

Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Sub Attendance Roster Report
  1. Select effective date.
  2. Select period.
  3. Select teacher(s). To select multiple teachers, hold down control while selecting the teacher.
  4. Select Display and Student Options to include. 
  5. Add a comment if needed.
  6. Click Generate Report.
Attendance Register Report

To print a blank report with multiple days.
Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Attendance Register

  1. Select Course Section Attendance Register.
  2. Enter the Start and End Date.
  3. Choose Portrait or Landscape orientation.
  4. Select teacher(s). To select multiple teachers hold down control while selecting the teacher.
  5. Select section(s). To select multiple sections hold down control while selecting the section.
  6. Check to Print copy for the Primary Teacher only.
  7. Select sort option.
  8. Generate Report.
Period Count Report
This report counts attendance marks for students in the periods selected.

Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Period Count Report

  1. Select the group of students to include.
  2. Enter the Enrollment Effective Date.
  3. Choose a Report Type of Total Count.
  4. Enter a Start Date.
  5. Enter an End Date.
  6. Enter the minimum number of period absences that a student can have based on the criteria of the report you are generating in the Having at least box.
  7. Enter the maximum number of period absences that a student can have based on the criteria of the report you are generating in the Having at most box.
  8. Select the Period GroupOptions.
  9. Select the Sort Options.
  10. Select the Attendance Mark Status(es) based on the criteria of the report you are generating.
  11. Select the Attendance Excuse Status(es) based on the criteria of the report you are generating.
  12. Select the Excuse Code(s) based on the criteria of the report you are generating.
  13. Choose the Report Format.
  14. Generate Report.

Day Count Report
This report determines the total number of days a student has been in attendance based on the minutes entered on the Whole Day Absence field on the Calendar Information tool.  Attendance counts are reported in whole-day values.

Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Day Count Report

  1. Select the group of students to include and/or an Ad Hoc Filter.
  2. Enter a Start Date.
  3. Enter an End Date.
  4. Enter the minimum number of daily absences that a student can have based on the criteria of the report you are generating in the days of Absences box.
  5. Enter the maximum number of daily absences that a student can have based on the criteria of the report you are generating in the days of Absences box.
  6. Choose the DAILY APPROXIMATION option under Calculation Options.
  7. Choose the Sort Option.
  8. Choose the Report Format.
  9. Generate Report.

Attendance Processes

Task Purpose Path Steps
Enter Attendance

To enter attendance codes on groups of students (or individuals), based on individual class periods, whole days, a range of days, or a specific time period.

*Also useful for entering future absences.

 Menu > Attendance Office > Attendance Entry Wizard

  1. Select the correct attendance date.
  2. Select a mode.
  3. Mark appropriate student and/or period data.
  4. Click Save Attendance.
Daily Attendance Report

To view attendance for a day. Results in a summary report of all students absent/tardy on the date chosen.

 Menu > Attendance Office > Daily Attendance Processing

  1. Enter Date.
  2. Choose Summary Report.
Update an Individual Student's Attendance

Allows you to modify attendance codes as you receive reasons for absences/tardies.

Search Student > Student Information > General > Attendance

  1. Select the student.
  2. Navigate to Attendance.
  3. Select NEW.
  4. Change date.
  5. Select period.
  6. Select code (drop-down menu).
  7. Add comments (optional) and click Save.
Determine Which Teachers Have/Have Not Taken Attendance
This tool monitors classroom attendance.

Menu > Attendance Office > Classroom Monitor

  1. Select Date and click Refresh.
  2. Check "Primary Teachers Only" box.

Shows all teachers attendance: RED means attendance has not been taken; GREEN means attendance has been taken.

Generate a Report of Who Created an Attendance Change on a Student: FOR SELECTED DAYS
This report will extract attendance changes that have been made for the selected attendance date range during the selected modification time frame. Each modification to a student’s section attendance is displayed in a separate row so please try to limit the length of the Attendance Date Range entered. The report can be printed in two formats CSV and HTML.

Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Attendance Change Tracking Report

  1. Enter Attendance Date Range.
  2. Select Filter Criteria. 
  3. Choose one of three filters: ("Include only attendance audit records that are tied to a course section") is the most common.
  4. Select Format CSV or HTML (CSV will Export to an Excel File. HTML will look like an ad hoc query report. No pretty-formatted PDF is available for this). 
  5. Generate Report.
Generate a Report of Who Created an Attendance Change on a Student: FOR A SECTION OR TEACHER
This report will display changes to the student attendance in a course section. Enter the Attendance Date Range and the Modification Date Range. Each modification to a student’s attendance record displays in a separate row in the report so please limit the length of the Attendance Date Range entered. Select the course sections of interest and the desired printing option.

Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > Section Change Tracking Report

  1. Enter Attendance Date Range.
  2. Select Filter Criteria.
  3. Select a Teacher(s) and/or Section(s).
  4. Choose to Print by Teacher or Course
    • Generate Report. (PDF is the only available option for this report.)

Office Reports





Create Mailing Labels

This report will generate mailing labels for the students who meet the search criteria.

Only addresses marked as mailing addresses will be included.

Menu > Census > Reports > Mailing Labels

This report generates mailing labels for the Students, Guardians, Teachers, and Staff for those individuals who meet the entered criteria.
  • Students- Prints one label with student's name and one guardian name per household.
  • Guardians- Prints one label with each person who is marked as a guardian per household.
  • Teachers- Prints one label for each teacher who is in a household.
  • Staff- Prints one label for each staff member who is in a household.
ADM/ADA Attendance Detail Report
Report shows membership and attendance information.
Menu > Attendance Office > Reports > ADM and ADA Detail Report
  1. Enter Start and End Date
  2. Choose Ad Hoc filter if needed.
  3. Select Summary or Detail type
  4. Select Daily Approximation (provides whole day calculations)
  5. Select the Calendar (hold control to select more than one)
  6. Generate Report
Create an Emergency Contact/Non- Household Member Report

This standard report includes a student’s demographic information, household information, and non-household contact information.

Menu > Census > Reports > Census Verification Report

  1. Select the Grade of Student(s)
  2. Select Primary, Secondary and Non-Household
  3. Select any other boxes you’d like to include
  4. Generate Report
Enrollment Summary Report
Report shows enrollments by school, grade, gender, and race/ethnicity.
Menu > Student Information > Reports > Enrollment Summary Report
  1. Enter the Enrollment Effective Date
  2. Select All Schools or specific school(s). (All schools does not provide a district total).
  3. Select the State Race/Ethnicity Values.
  4. Choose Original Format.
  5. Choose P: Primary enrollment.
  6. Choose report format.
  7. Generate Report

Scheduling Reports/Processes

Scheduling Reports








Create a Class Roster
(May also be used for Field Trips and Census Cleanup)


This report displays student rosters for each section for each teacher or course selected. The Effective Date is used to determine both the active Teachers assigned to the Course-Section and which students to include on the roster. The sections can be sorted by Course Name, Course Number or Period for each teacher selected.




Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Reports > Section Rosters Report

  1. Select Term.
  2. Select Period Schedule.
  3. Select Period(s).
  4. Select Teacher(s).
  5. Select Date.
  6. Choose printing, output and extra options.
  7. Select Sorting preference.
  8. Generate Report.

For Field Trips: Select the "Show Guardian Information" Box. This will print all of the contacts associated with either parent and/or guardian, for emergency purposes.

Running a Staff History Report

Run a report to see staff history.

Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Reports > Staff History Report

  1. Select Course(s).
  2. Select Primary Teachers (and Teacher if you have any co-taught courses).
  3. Make any other selections needed and press Generate Report.

Scheduling Processes








Add or Edit a Teacher/Section Record




Where you can edit staff information related to sections and courses.

Search > Course/Section > Enter appropriate code for course(s) > Select Search icon to search > Select correct course

Course Sections:

Edit or Add section as needed

  • Add/edit section number per PSU procedures.
  • Click period boxes for each term the section occurs.
  • If section attributes are set at the course level, only select in the section if different from the course (Post Secondary Institution, Instructional Provider, How Taken, Delivery Mode)
  • Click Create Section at bottom of screen.

Section Staff History:

  • Click the New Primary Teacher
  • Select the new teacher
  • Click Save.
Running the Student Gap Scheduler
This report shows which, if any, students are not assigned to a course.

Menu > Scheduling & Courses > Load Schedules > Student Gap Scheduler

  1. Pick a grade or All Students.
  2. Select a report type (detail gives you the most helpful information).
  3. Select which period(s) you would like to include.
  4. Press Find Students or Generate Report. Find Students brings up the students who need classes/courses on the left side of the screen so you can edit right away. Generate Report brings up a PDF report of those same students.


Grade Reports





Print Progress Report - Option 1
Print a report of In-Progress Grades

Menu >Grading & Standards > Reports > Grades Report

  1. Pick a Grade or Ad Hoc Filter.
  2. Check the appropriate grading term(s).
  3. Select the teacher(s).
  4. Choose a Group By option.
  5. Check the Display Options needed (Set page break for each Student will produce one page per student).
  6. Choose All Grades/Scores.
  7. Generate Report.
Print Progress Report - Option 2
Print a report of In-Progress Grades

Menu >Grading & Standards > Reports > Report Card

  1. If there is an existing report that you should print, choose the appropriate report and Skip to Step 3.
  2. Otherwise, click on Display Options and follow the steps below:
    1. Name the Report.
    2. Choose the Report Type.
    3. Check In-Progress Grades under Display Grades, or Posted Grades if your district posts the Progress Grade.
    4. Check Main under Report on Terms.  Then check the Terms to include.
    5. Choose the grading task under Grading Tasks that contains the In-Progress Grade/Posted Grade you wish to display.
    6. Select any other boxes you’d like to include
  3. Choose an Ad Hoc Filter or a Grade.
  4. Check Active Only.
  5. Enter the Effective Date.
  6. Choose Sort Options.
  7. Generate Report



 Print Report Card



Print report cards for All Students or Grade.



Menu >Grading & Standards > Reports > Report Card

  1. Choose the Report Option
  2. Select an ad hoc or Choose a Grade
  3. Check Active Only for current students
  4. Enter Effective Date
  5. Select Sort Options
  6. Select Batch Queue Options
  7. Generate Report