Enrolling a New Student

This article will assist users in properly enrolling a new student who has not attended a North Carolina Public School.

Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard

Enter search criteria for the student- always use the student's legal name. Enter the Last Name, First Name, & Sex or the State ID number.

The Student Locator Wizard searches all person records in your PSU and all person records in the state edition.

Only use the Student Locator Wizard to enroll students.  Once you click on a name, you have created a person record in your PSU.

Student locator wizard

If there is not a student match, choose the Create New Student option.  student locator wizard create new student

Enter the Birth Date, Race/Ethnicity fields, Birth Country, Birth Verification, and Language fields.  You may have to complete the Tribal Enrollment, Date Entered US fields also if applicable.

Note:  Please do not update the Name or Date of Birth on this screen.

identity information

Under Enrollment Detail, complete the required fields in Red and Start Comments. End Dates and Local End Status fields should not be populated until the student withdraws.

enrollment detail

Next, you will view the Student Summary tool. Click on Show More and then click on Census>People>Demographics.student summary tool

Scroll down to Person Identifiers. Click on Assign NC DPI State ID then Search for student you are enrolling- use the student's legal name.  If no result is found, click on Register with NC DPI. Read the message that appears and click OK if the student has never been enrolled in a NC public school. Read message that states the student has been registered with NC DPI.

assign nc dpi state id

Complete additional student contact information according to your PSUs processes. Voice/Text options will not show if your PSU is not using Messenger with Voice.  Click on Save.

Definitions/Explanations for all fields

personal contact information

Next navigate to Student>General>Enrollments: Complete Admission Status, Resident District, Resident School and Serving District and School if different from the Resident District.

state reporting enrollment fields