Create New School Enrollment (R1/W1 Procedure)

Some changes to student data can have a negative impact on the Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR) if not handled correctly. When it is necessary to change one of the following for a student, the Create New School Enrollment process must be followed. 

  • Grade level changes 

  • Membership Status changes

  • School Track Enrollment changes

Using this process will allow the user to make the necessary change(s) in the system without losing the student schedule. If the student is enrolled in courses, use of this process will drop the student schedule and remove any attendance outside of the current enrollment record's dates. The schedule and attendance will need to be restored.

End Current Enrollment

Before ending enrollments, document the student attendance information. If this process is completed retroactively, the attendance records will be deleted and must be re-entered.

Navigation: Menu > Student Information > General > Enrollments

1. Select a Student: If a student is not selected, click Open Student Search tool to search by the student's name. Search for student's using advanced searches or Ad Hoc Filters as needed. Select the student's name to open the Enrollments tool. If a student was already selected, the Enrollments tool will open automatically.

person search tool

2. Click the current enrollment record.  

Enrollment record

3. In the General Enrollment Information section, add an End Date. This is the student's last day in the current grade, membership, or track.

4. Enter a Local End Status of W1: Transfer Withdrawal.

5. Enter an End Comment (optional).

6. Click Save.

Enrollment information with end date, local end status, and optional end comments.

Create New Enrollment

7. Click New.

Enrollment editor with start and end date with New selected.

8. Verify Calendar and Schedule are populated correctly.

9. Select the correct grade from the dropdown.

10. Enter the Start Date. This is the student's first day in the new grade, membership, or track. (The previous enrollment end date and new enrollment start date should not overlap.)

11. Choose the correct Service Type from the dropdown.

12. Choose R1: Re-Entry - prev in W1 as the Local Start Status.

13. Add a Start Comment (optional).

New enrollment with start date, local start status of R1 and updated grade.

14. Locate the State Reporting Fields and select the correct Admission Status from the drop down.

15. Select the correct Resident District, Resident School, Serving District, and Serving School.

State reporting fields with admission status, resident district, resident school, serving district, and serving school highlighted.

16. Click SaveSave button

The student's enrollment record now reflects an end enrollment and new enrollment with the correct local start and end status'.

New R1 Enrollment record

Restore Schedule

Once the enrollment information is updated, navigate to the student's schedule to re-enroll or update the student's course sections.

Navigation: Menu > Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-in Scheduler

The student's sections will be dropped as of the date used when ending the enrollment.

Dropped sections

1. If the schedule will be the same, click on the arrow next to the Load button. 

2. Click RestoreLoad restore student schedule

3. Enter the start date, which is the student's first day in the new grade, membership or track.

4. Click RestoreRestore start date and restore button

The schedule will display the dropped sections as well as the new sections with the updated start date.

Dropped and restored sections

If the student's sections changed, use the Walk-In Scheduler to search and add new sections. Use the Walk-In Scheduler | Infinite Campus article for more information updating.

Restore Attendance

If Attendance was affected by the updated enrollment, navigate to Menu > Student Information > General > Attendance and update the student's attendance information.