This article will assist users in properly enrolling a student that is within the PSUs district.
Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard
Enter search criteria for the student- always use the student's legal name. Enter the Last Name, First Name, & Sex or the State ID number.
The Student Locator Wizard searches all person records in your PSU and all person records in the state edition.
Only use the Student Locator Wizard to enroll students. Once you click on a name, you have created a person record in your PSU.
If the correct student appears in the options, click on the name in order to enroll.
*NOTE: If an error appears regarding calendar permissions, navigate to Menu > Census > People > Enrollments and proceed with the steps below.
Add an enrollment for your school by clicking New.
The Calendar/Schedule will populate based on your context. Add Grade, Start Date, Local Start Status, Start Comments, and Admission Status. Click Save and the student is now enrolled.
Navigation: Menu > Student Information > General > Enrollments
If you navigate to the Enrollments tool for the student, you can view all of the enrollment history for the student. The previous school enrollment will have an end date populated.