This article will assist users in properly setting up cross-site enrollment in their PSU, provide information on how to properly cross enroll students to classes within the PSU. Once ready across the state, it will also provide information on cross-site enrollment into another district.
Cross-Site Enrollment Overview
Cross-Site Enrollment Overview | Infinite Campus
PSU Setup for Cross-Site Enrollment
Cross-Site enrollment has to be activated in District Information prior to further setup. See the Cross-Site Workflow article in PowerSchool for more information:
Cross-Site Workflow | Infinite Campus
Local NC Definitions/Setup:
In reviewing the links above, these are the North Carolina specific settings that you should choose:
District Information:
- For Cross-Site Enrollment Participation under District Information, choose "Intradistrict & Interdistrict"
- Intradistrict is the ability to cross enroll students between schools in your PSU
- Interdistrict: the ability to cross enroll students between your PSU and another PSU (this will include NCVPS once it is available)
- Default State Exclude for Cross-Site Enrollments should be set to No.
- Start and End Status Cross-Site Defaults
- X1: Set as the Enrollment Start Status Cross-Site Default
- W1: Set as the End Enrollment Status Cross-Site Default
- X1: Set as the Enrollment Start Status Cross-Site Default
- The default course code ending in CS can be left "as-is" for the course record at the Home School.
- Each section offered can only be mapped to periods that occur in the same time frame in the Home School.
- When a student is cross enrolled into a section offered by another school, a partial enrollment is automatically created at the serving school for the student. This allows the student information to be seen and searched by the Serving School.
- A student can only be scheduled into an offered section by the Home School through Walk-In Scheduler.
- The attendance taken by the Serving School must be reconciled at both the Serving School and the student's Home School.
- Grades and assignments are entered by the Serving School, not the Home School. The Home School can view this information, but cannot make changes.
Please see these comprehensive resources for Cross-Site Enrollment:
Cross-Site Enrollment | Infinite Campus
Cross-Site Enrollment Workflow - Video Series | Infinite Campus