Student Enrollment Checklist
Use the checklist below to enroll a student.
Student Tools
Additional Household Members
Household Address(es)
Create Household
Emergency Contacts
Priority Student Entry Checklist
Use the abbreviated checklist below for quick student enrollment. Make sure to return and finish any additional steps as detailed in the Student Enrollment Checklist .
Student Tools
Enrolling a New Student
This article will assist users in properly enrolling a new student who has not attended a North Carolina Public School. Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard Enter search criteria for the student- always use the ...
Enrolling a Student Within District
This article will assist users in properly enrolling a student that is within the PSUs district. Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard Enter search criteria for the student- always use the student's legal name....
Enrolling a Student Out of District
This article will assist users in properly enrolling a student that is out of district. Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard Enter search criteria for the student- always use the students legal name. Enter the ...
About Legal and Preferred Name
This article provides guidance for the use of student legal and preferred names in the NCSIS, Infinite Campus. Additional Identities The legal name is the primary source to identify a student, but NCSIS allows the use of additional identities, ...
Create New School Enrollment (R1/W1 Procedure)
Some changes to student data can have a negative impact on the Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR) if not handled correctly. When it is necessary to change one of the following for a student, the Create New School Enrollment process must be followed....
Cross-Site Enrollment
How to set up Cross-Site Enrollment in North Carolina
Disaster Relief Enrollment
The following documentation are directions for both NCSIS Systems on how to enroll students who have been displaced due to a disaster event.
Infinite Campus
Disaster Enrollment in Power...