New Articles

  1. Conversion: Student to Staff Merges New

    In order to use the Student Locator tool, you must have been granted access.  Please review the article State Student Locator | NC Department of Public Instruction  if you do not have access to the Student Locator Tool. The UID Reconciliation: S...
  2. Scheduling Workflow

    Use the information below as a workflow for scheduling in the upcoming year. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Part 1 Task Completed NC Course Codes Available in December -  2025-2026 ...
  3. Adding Transcript Grades

    NC Grade Information | Transfer Grades | Summer Grades | Suppressed Grades | MS Courses for HS Credit Please use the Transcripts | Infinite Campus  article for step-by-step instructions on adding tr...
  4. NC Attendance Code Setup

    Attendance codes determine a student's attendance status and excuse for attendance entries. The chart below displays how the NC Attendance Codes must be setup for reporting purposes. Navigation: Menu > Attendance Office > Settings > Attendance...
  5. CPR

    Test Results Report Use the Tango below for steps on how to run reports for students without scores, or those that have scores. Student Test Results-CPR Tango Adding CPR Results Manually Use the steps below to add a CPR result for an indi...
  6. Graduation Checklist

    Use the checklist below for completing the graduation process for students. Task  Completed Verify Graduation Program is assigned -  Graduation Program Assignment Verify CTE Programs are assigned ...
  7. State Student Locator

    Please use the information below to request access and, after approval, use the state student locator tool. This statewide collection of tools can be used as a student locator to determine a student's most recent enrollment and the source system (...
  8. Create New School Enrollment (R1/W1 Procedure)

    Some changes to student data can have a negative impact on the Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR) if not handled correctly. When it is necessary to change one of the following for a student, the Create New School Enrollment process must be followed....
  9. AMC Report

    AMC Reporting and Submission Procedures The AMC Report within Infinite Campus shows enrollment counts and demographic information for both students who are currently placed in an advanced mathematics course and students not placed in an advanced ...
  10. Deceased Person Information

    Recommended Steps for Managing Records of Deceased Persons The following steps outline recommended practices for updating records in NCSIS based on a person’s status. All records will need the demographic information, relationships, and household...