Popular Articles

  1. NC No Show Process

    This article will assist users in using No Show process. A student is considered a No Show when they are marked absent for more than half of the instructional day on their scheduled 1st day of enrollment during a current school year.  1st 1...
  2. Student Enrollment Checklist

    Use the checklist below to enroll a student. Search/Enroll | Student Tools | Additional Household Members | Household Address(es) | Create Household | Emergency Contacts         ...
  3. Enrolling a New Student

    This article will assist users in properly enrolling a new student who has not attended a North Carolina Public School. Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard Enter search criteria for the student- always use the ...
  4. Infinite Campus Multi-Select

    This article will assist users with creating an Ad Hoc Report using the Filter Designer to multi-select a group of students using the Student State ID. Prepare the Data | Create the Ad Hoc Filter | Using the Filter ...
  5. Adding Transcript Grades

    NC Grade Information | Transfer Grades | Summer Grades | Suppressed Grades | MS Courses for HS Credit Please use the Transcripts | Infinite Campus  article for step-by-step instructions on adding tr...
  6. Student End Enrollment Checklist

    Verify Information | Print Reports | End Enrollment Verify Information Task  Completed 1. Attendance: Verify all attendance entries (including suspensions)...
  7. Summer End Enrollment

    Use the Summer End Enrollment process when a student's enrollment ends after the previous school year, but before the new school year begins. Follow all guidelines for withdrawing students in accordance with the SASA Manual and your local PSU ...
  8. NC Attendance Code Setup

    Attendance codes determine a student's attendance status and excuse for attendance entries. The chart below displays how the NC Attendance Codes must be setup for reporting purposes. Navigation: Menu > Attendance Office > Settings > Attendance...
  9. Enrolling a Student Within District

    This article will assist users in properly enrolling a student that is within the PSUs district. Navigation: Menu > Student Information > Student Locator Wizard Enter search criteria for the student- always use the student's legal name....
  10. State Student Locator

    Please use the information below to request access and, after approval, use the state student locator tool. This statewide collection of tools can be used as a student locator to determine a student's most recent enrollment and the source system (...