New Articles

  1. AMC Report

    AMC Reporting and Submission Procedures The AMC Report within Infinite Campus shows enrollment counts and demographic information for both students who are currently placed in an advanced mathematics course and students not placed in an advanced ...
  2. Deceased Person Information

    Recommended Steps for Managing Records of Deceased Persons The following steps outline recommended practices for updating records in NCSIS based on a person’s status. All records will need the demographic information, relationships, and household...
  3. Retention Promotion Reporting

    23-24 RP Report Instructions  for Phase I PSUs ...
  4. eMFTS Access

    The purpose of this article is to instruct district and charter SIS Coordinators on how to exchange information with NCDPI using eMFTS system and WinSCP. Subscribing to eMFTS  | Download WinSCP App Subscribing to eMFTS NCDPI has expanded...
  5. Create New School Enrollment (R1/W1 Procedure)

    Some changes to student data can have a negative impact on the Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR) if not handled correctly. When it is necessary to change one of the following for a student, the Create New School Enrollment process must be followed....
  6. Honor Roll

    Below are examples of Pass-through queries for Honor Roll. Queries may need to be adjusted to fit the PSUs specific honor roll requirements. A good practice would be to create one pass-through query for each term. Please note that the following ...
  7. PMR Submission Verification Process

    See the PMR Validation Review  article for guidance on clearing fatal validations and reviewing warning and informational validations. See the NC Principal's Monthly Report Extract | Infinite Campus article for more details on the PMR Ex...
  8. Check In/Check Out - Meeting Attendance

    This article will walk the user through the meeting attendance Check In and Check Out process within the NCSIS.  In order for the process to work correctly, you will need to have an understanding of the total number of minutes in your school day a...
  9. Section 504 Program

    Section 504 Program For more information regarding the Section 504 Program please visit the  Students with Disabilities | NC DPI Section 504 Program Entry | Section 504 Flag Entry | Section 504 Program Exit | Section 504 Flag Exit ...
  10. Disaster Relief Enrollment

    The following documentation are directions for both NCSIS Systems on how to enroll students who have been displaced due to a disaster event.  Disaster Enrollment in PowerSchool Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Transfer Informati...