AMC Reporting and Submission Procedures
The AMC Report within Infinite Campus shows enrollment counts and demographic information for both students who are currently placed in an advanced mathematics course and students not placed in an advanced mathematics course, for all students who achieved at the highest level on an End of Grade (EOG) or End of Course (EOC) mathematics assessment during the 2023-24 school year.
2024-2025 Submission Instructions
LEAs will be required to run and review the report to prepare for the NCDPI data pull, which will happen at the close of business on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
For this year, LEAs will have the opportunity to complete a brief survey to correct the data for any students who are appearing incorrectly on the AMC report. There will be a survey entry for each student who needs a data correction. In future years, the AMC Report submission window will include a process for verifying, correcting, and submitting all data as has happened in the past.
Running the Report
Navigation: Menu > Reporting > Data Validation > Data Validation Report

- Make sure your School Year and School is selected at the top right (current year). The report must be reviewed by School and District.
Select AMC - Advanced Math Course Report from the Data Validation Group drop down menu.
Select Local Dataset for the Report Data Source.
- Select either Generate Now to provide an immediate report or Submit to Batch Queue to store a copy of the report.
- Select either CSV or HTML – depending on how you prefer to review the data.
- Click Generate to run the report.
- If Generate Now is selected a new window will open with the report for HTML formats or follow your browser settings if CSV was chosen.
- If Submit to Batch Queue is selected, click Refresh until the report shows a status of Completed. Click the report title in the queue list to open in the completed report format selected in step 5.
Report Information
- Once run, the AMC report will yield three tables of data: the student level detail information, along with summary tables for those placed and not placed.
- The Detail Report will contain student level detail, including the program information, the test information for their previous highest-level score and whether they are currently scheduled into an advanced math class:
- The Placed and Not Placed Summary Reports will include aggregate student counts including sex, race/ethnicity, and other demographic information.
Report Review
- Ensure that all students who are eligible (all those scoring at the highest level on an end of grade or end of course mathematics assessment) are listed on the report.
- Verify that the student course placement information is accurate for those listed on the report.
- For each student, the previous year assessment and score are listed, along with ‘placed’ or ‘not placed’ – as determined by the student’s current mathematics course enrollment.
- If a student qualified through more than one test, the student would appear in that many lines in the detail section.