AIG Headcount Report

AIG Headcount Reporting and Submission Procedures

The AIG Headcount within Infinite Campus is a collection of data validation reports that show detail and summary information about students that are currently assigned a program in the Gifted Tool.

2024-2025 Submission Instructions

LEAs will be required to run and review the report to prepare for the NCDPI data pull, which will happen at the close of business on Monday, March 10, 2025

The data will be extracted directly from Infinite Campus.  No approval is necessary for this year.

AIG Headcount data will only be collected from LEAs and those charter schools with an official local AIG plan on file with NCDPI/SBE.

Running the Report

Navigation: Menu > Reporting > Data Validation > Data Validation Report

Reporting Data Validation menu
  1. Make sure the School Year and School is selected at the top right (current year). The report must be reviewed by School and District. Context
  2. Select AIG Headcount - 1 - Student Detail - Unofficial (FALL) from the Data Validation Group drop down menu.Validation report dropdown list selecting the Unofficial fall detail

  3. Select Local Dataset for the Report Data Source. Local dataset
  4. Select either Generate Now to provide an immediate report or Submit to Batch Queue to store a copy of the report. Report processing
  5. Select either CSV or HTML – depending on how you prefer to review the data. Format type
  6. Click Generate to run the report.
    1. If Generate Now is selected a new window will open with the report for HTML formats or follow your browser settings if CSV was chosen. 
    2. If Submit to Batch Queue is selected, click Refresh until the report shows a status of Completed. Click the report title in the queue list to open in the completed report format selected in step 5.   

Report Information

  • Once run, the AIG Headcount - Student Detail report will yield one table of data: the student level detail information for those students that were identified as gifted on November 15, 2024, and had an active enrollment in the school.  AIG Headcount Summary
  • The Detail Report will contain student level detail, including the program information and identified area. AIG Headcount detail

Report Review

  • Verify that that all students who the district or charter school has identified as gifted are listed on the student level detail report.
  • Verify each student's gifted placement information for accuracy.
  • In addition to the student level detail report, there will be nine summary tables which will be available for review in the future. These tables will include a variety of other aggregate student counts or percentage charts with sex, race/ethnicity, dual exceptionality status, and other demographic information.